Once you’ve mastered pricing your cards using Mavin, here are some tips for eBay so you can actually sell them for that price:
1. Photograph Your Card(s) – High quality pictures of your cards are the most important factor when it comes to selling your cards. If you don’t have enough pictures, or low quality pictures, then buyers will be much less likely to buy from you because they don’t trust the quality of your product. Using an iPhone quality camera in decent lighting will be sufficient. Make sure to post front and back images of your card.
2. List Properly – You don’t want to be caught listing like an amateur. This means you don’t want to add a bunch of filler or flashy text to try and make your listing stand out. You’re more likely to annoy a potential buyer than entice them to buy your card. This means don’t say your card is “limited,” “rare,” or “hard to find,” unless you’re prepared to back that statement up. Similarly, don’t add special characters or all capital letters to your listing to make it jump off the page.
3. Sell Cheapest First – While it is tempting to sell your most valuable cards right off the bat, if you’re brand new to selling on eBay you won’t want to start with these cards. When selling online, your reputation is the most important factor in getting someone to buy your product. If you’re selling a $200 card and don’t have any reviews from previous customers, potential buyers might think you are trying to scam them or don’t trust your service. Start by selling lower value cards and build up a reputation as a quality seller on eBay. This will make it much easier to sell your more valuable cards down the line. When selling these lower valued cards, make sure you ship quickly and charge a fair price. This is the easiest way to get a high rating from your customers.
By David December 20, 2016 - 1:42 pm
I have a Topos # 416 Alex Grammas. Years 1950 to 1962. It also says , Alex led the southern league in Fielding in 1950
By Andrew Ford January 1, 2017 - 2:27 pm
David, I looked up your Topps #416 Alex Grammas, here’s what Mavin thinks your card is worth: https://mavin.io/search?q=Topps+%23+416+Alex+Grammas&bt=sold If I use the checkboxes to pick a few non-graded comps…you get an estimated value of about $4.50.
The best way to look up a baseball card is to enter brand + player name + card number. You might also want to include the copyright date (small print on the back next to the © symbol) and include the copyright year in the search. It’s optional but sometimes helpful… for example if the player was around for a long time and has multiple Topps #1 cards throughout their career.